Funny T-shirts are everywhere, and you can get pretty much anything printed up to wear in public. That’s not always a good thing. This freedom of expression does lead to some terrible choices that are more disturbing than funny. So, what makes a shirt legitimately funny and fun to wear, and what should you avoid at all costs?

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The Worst Types Of Funny T Shirts
Let’s start with the worst kinds of funny shirts – the ones you shouldn’t be seen out in public for what should be obvious reasons. The main thing to remember is that what’s funny to you isn’t necessarily going to be funny to other people. Wearing any of these in the comfort and privacy of your own home is one thing. Doing so out around other people is another matter.
Adult Humour
This is surprisingly commonplace in modern society, and it’s quite shocking what people think they can get away with. It’s easy to say that a lot of the slogans and images on these shirts will just go over the heads of kids. They don’t know the meaning behind the innuendo or the slang terms yet. Even so, that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to ask their parents about it and end up in an awkward conversation. You might be long gone while parents have to feign ignorance over the words on your shirt. It’s not just kids suffering, either. Shirts that act as a way to over-inflate your ego about your sexual history or that are pointlessly crude and outdated have no place outside. It’s not fun when everyone’s just trying to enjoy their Sunday brunch in peace.
Political Humor
There’s a time and a place for political shirts. If you’re campaigning for someone in election season or encouraging people to vote, then that’s great. You can show your support and exhibit your right to free speech by wearing the logos, slogans, and faces of the people you support. The grey area comes when there are shirts mocking other people for their political beliefs. Punching up at the people in power is one thing, and that’s why there are so many Trump-related shirts out there. Attacking supporters and using derogatory humor is a step too far. That leads us to the next point.
Humor That Punches Down
The absolute worst forms of humorous shirts are the ones that punch down on other people. If you’ve got any form of bigoted viewpoint or hatred towards anyone else, hiding that behind a funny shirt isn’t appropriate. This could be a sly joke about gender, race, religion or anything, or anything that puts other people down. Some people love this sort of “edgelord” routine where they want to provoke people and put a spotlight on themselves. Adults who haven’t grown out of this past age of 17 need a serious wake-up call. You don’t know who you’re hurting and how much you’re hurting them.
The Best Types Of Funny T Shirts
These issues with offensive humor and triggering slogans don’t mean that funny tshirts are completely out of the question. There are plenty of legitimately funny tshirts that can make people smile as you go about your day. It’s about bringing joy, and it’s uplifting to see someone down the street smirk or stifle a giggle because your shirt evokes a memory or positive emotion.
Humor That Punches Up
As mentioned above, this is a grey area that requires some careful consideration. Mocking those above us, especially political figures, is a great way to bring people together. Trump’s mug shot was a great blank canvas for designs that ended up working out well for both sides. The danger comes in that fine line between a lighthearted meme that does not harm and a more provocative statement that some find offensive.
Self-deprecating Humor
The best person to poke fun at on a t-shirt is yourself. There’s a reason why there are so many shirts on the “can’t function without…” line or those talking about not being a morning person or a people person. The fun in these is that while they’re meant to be a personal dig at ourselves and an expression of our personality, they are also highly relatable. People smirk and nod because they’re right there with you. You’re articulating their mindset, and they don’t feel bad about it.
Bad Puns And Dad Jokes
Often, the best funny shirts are those that aren’t trying too hard to be clever or to get a reaction. They’re just dumb images with fun characters and bad puns that get a genuine laugh because they are so corny. You can go as meta as a literally corn-y shirt with sweetcorn on it. This is where you can find the most creative designs and the ones that stick around as classics. One of the most famous has to be the Keytar Platypus Venn Diagram shirt. It still makes people laugh today. Puns and dad jokes are timeless, so these shirts can come out again and again and still get a positive reaction.
Pop Culture References
Finally, there are shirts based on fun pop culture references. These are hit or miss when getting a reaction and coming up with a shirt that lasts. There’s always the risk that the show’s popularity tanks quickly or that the star ends up doing something questionable. However, other shows end up on repeat with new generations discovering them. That’s why anything related to Friends or The Office works so well. All you have to do is have a picture of a couch and the word pivot, and people get it. The more low-key and subtle the joke, the more likely die-hard fans will complement your shirt.
Finding Funny T Shirts Online
There are plenty of online stores and t-shirt design companies with countless options out there. You can either browse current collections for something fun and trendy or start playing with your own joke. Just remember those golden rules. Don’t punch down and make fun of those that don’t deserve it. Don’t be an edgelord with terrible adult humor. Think about how you can make other people smile with the right slogans, puns, and images.