The retail value of the items is €13.5 million
Inditex is set to donate 750,000 garments from its various brands to the Spanish Committee of the Agency of the United Nations High Commision for Refugees (UNHCR) for distribution at seven refugee camps in Rwanda. These camps are sheltering around 149,000 displaced individuals, mainly from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi.
Thanks to this initiative, which the company is executing with a number of suppliers, 139,571 items were already dispatched in August; another 111,048 will be sent at the end of September and the remainder will be shipped by 31 January 2021, with Inditex assuming the cost of transporting the goods to Africa in full. The retail value of the items donated is €13.5 million.
Rwanda is one of the main recipients of the people displaced by the waves of instability experienced in recent years in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and also from Burundi. The former has displaced an estimated 5 million people between 2017 and 2019. The tension in Burundi has prompted hundreds and thousands of its people to flee to neighbouring countries. UNHCR is providing those people with assistance in Rwanda’s refugee camps. The most urgent needs are for shelter, drinking and sanitation water, medical attention, clothing and food. Inditex’s Executive Chairman, Pablo Isla, alluded to the company’s long-standing commitment to refugee aid, a cornerstone of the Group’s community investment model: “Over the last 20 years, we have been collaborating consistently with leading third-sector organisations on their programmes for refugees in many parts of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. All of us here at Inditex are tremendously motivated to continue this targeted effort going forward”.