The whole world is beginning to unite against the backdrop of environmental problems. Pollution levels are rising inexorably, while raw materials are being depleted day by day.
A huge source of problems, and an area that requires momentary reform, is the field of fashion and design. In this article, we will look at the main problems and the impact of educational institutions on student awareness of clothing consumption.
Why is Fast Fashion a Great Environmental Threat?
According to several objective reasons, fast fashion seriously threatens to the environment. Mass-market collections use plastic fibers that pollute the oceans. Moreover, they apply toxic dyes harm workers and nature. Poor-quality fabrics and manufacturing techniques are used to reduce the cost of the final result. Accordingly, workers receive a minimum wage, and company owners save a lot on raw materials.
Fashion has become accessible to the masses but has had indelible consequences. Poor quality clothing leads to its fragility. Consumers throw away the item because it wears out quickly and buy a new one for the same low price. And this vicious cycle goes on forever. However, it is in our power to interrupt it by informing the younger generation.
Why Is It Important To Promote Fast Fashion Awareness Campaigns?
Youth, and more precisely, intelligent youth, college and university students, is the future of our planet. For this reason, it is important to make them aware of the absolute importance of preserving the environment. Due to their age, young people have enough energy and motivation to deal with rapidly emerging environmental problems.
Moreover, young people are often the target audience of mass-market companies. Since teenagers are actively socializing and looking for their place in society, their image is essential. Clothing plays a vital role in self-expression, allowing you to radically change your image. However, students suffer from a modest budget for such expenses, choosing cheap and less quality clothes.
Due to its importance, this topic has become an object of discussion in scientific circles. Therefore, students may be asked to write coursework or an essay about fast fashion. To get a good grade, it’s necessary to pick a good topic and elaborate on it. Study some unique fast fashion essay topics for a more comprehensive view of this issue. This might be especially necessary for students obtaining an education in fashion design.
For all of the above reasons, the role of educating students lies with academic institutions. The lessons of the exact sciences, art disciplines, and the study of foreign languages are on the same level as general awareness. The university should teach not only highly scientific terms but also raise vital topics, cultivating a social position among students during the classes.
What Exactly Should Be Done?
To obtain the best result in the fashion awareness campaigns, it’s necessary to involve the cohesive work of two parties, namely the university and the student. On the university side, it is essential to provide comprehensive lessons and lectures from influencers and scientists regarding the importance of taking action on fast fashion. In turn, the student, as a socially conscious person, must continue independent research through books from the library and the study of special environmental portals and services.
During a special course, the speakers must explain the importance of the transition to sustainable fashion. It is also very important to explain what simple actions students can take to improve the global situation. For example, if everyone becomes more conscious about purchasing, avoiding impulsive shopping, and buying the necessary things of high quality, we will have significantly fewer problems with non-recyclable garbage. Also, part of the company may be the promotion and normalization of the use of second-hand stores to avoid the production of more and more new fast fashion collections.
Such campaigns are especially important for students who are receiving higher education in fashion design. After all, they are the future of this industry. The promotion of fashion trends such as upcycling (creating new things by reshaping old ones) is not only a trend movement but also helps to reduce clothing consumption. Those who receive a diploma in fashion should understand the necessity for sustainable production.
Each education center should be concerned about the all-round development of its students. It is impossible to live in a world completely renounced from existing problems. For this reason, universities play a vital role in educating young people about environmental issues. Understanding the problems of society should be as important for graduation as passing the usual exams.