Japan Fashion Association

Improve and develop lifestyle culture


The Japan Fashion Association strengthens the development of a lifestyle culture beyond the boundaries of clothing, food and shelter.


Established in April 4, 1990, Japan Fashion Council believes that the concept of fashion does not only refer to clothing but also encompasses a comprehensive set of values ​​that form our overall lifestyle culture including such aspects as food, housing and services, and a level of social affluence that is commensurate to their economic strength. Historically, Japan has exhibited an originality unmatched by any other country. Japanese have in the past expressed the strengths and differences of their society while fostering a spiritual climate that lies at the very heart of their lifestyle culture. They have also developed creative activities that are delicate, gorgeous and well-balanced, placing Japan, artistically, on par with any country in the world. “We believe that it is exactly at such a time that we need to create an affluent lifestyle culture by returning to the well-spring of Japan’s original cultural identity that is indelibly written in our DNA,” is the message on its official website.

Japan Fashion Council has an interesting history. Noboru Goto, then president of the Japan-Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, defined all industries related to lifestyle culture, including clothing, food, and housing, as “fashion-related industries.”・From the beginning, the establishment of a “Japan Fashion Association” had been an issue. In June 1986, “Tokyo Fashion Association” was established and in ’88 it held a “round-table conference on the establishment of the Japan Fashion Association”. A preparatory committee and an executive committee were established and it was decided that the Japan Fashion Association would aim to become an incorporated foundation after being established as a voluntary organization.

In February 1989, the Japan Fashion Association was established as a voluntary organization with Chairman: Noboru Goto. In April 1989, following the sudden death of chairman Noboru Goto, Rokuro Ishikawa, chairman of the Japan-Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was appointed as the new chairman. For several years, there were organisational tremors as a result of the changes in the upper hierarchy. In November 1989, the Japanese Fashion Association sponsored “World Fashion Fair. And, in March 1992, it was certified as a specified public interest promotion corporation.

There were many other movements. With the dissolution of the Tokyo Fashion Association in March 2004, the Tokyo Fashion Association donated all of its assets to Japan Fashion Association. Following the dissolution of Koromo.com Co., Ltd. in January 2006, a company that disseminates information about the fashion industry, the company’s business was approved by the board of directors as contributing to the business activities of the association, and the business was taken over. Further, with the dissolution of Japan Fashion Color Association in June 2006, the association’s business and assets were transferred to the Japan Fashion Association and a new organisational structure was established. Another memorable milestone occurred in February 2012 when Japan Fashion Association started as a “general incorporated foundation” with approval from the Cabinet Office.


The Japan Fashion Association envisions improving and developing lifestyle culture beyond the boundaries of clothing, food and shelter.


To create a better life culture and to contribute to the development of lifestyle related industries.


The Japan Fashion Association was established as an incorporated foundation on April 4, 1990, with the approval of the Minister of International Trade and Industry. In Japan, the association promotes internationalisation, solidifies its own foundations in the international community in terms of economy, society and culture. As part of these efforts, it is also an important issue for Japan to make a broad contribution through the creation of lifestyle culture as a value shared by the world. The Japan Fashion Association aims to contribute to the improvement and development of lifestyle culture beyond the boundaries of clothing, food and shelter. In this context, one of its services include the establishment of the “Japan Creation Award” which advocates “creating a richer lifestyle and culture.” The association also conducts the “Japan Creation Award” and the “Cinema Dream Club Award”.

Key Team

The Chairman is Akihiro Nikkaku (President, Toray Industries, Inc.) while President is Akira Manabe (Associate Advisor, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

